Although we have freshly minted the vision of our church over the last few months, the essence of it has been the same over the years – seeing God’s life among us flowing from our love relationship with him, and then creating a community that is a source of blessing and transformation to our town and world.
It is with this in mind, that we use the two key images of the river and the tree, and the two key phrases of our mission statement – loved into life and living in love – to try to paint a picture of what such a church will look like. A church that is continually experiencing what it means to be loved into life and which is therefore living in love. One person, or one piece of writing, can only ever paint this picture in broad brush strokes. We all get to fill in the details, the colour and the texture, as we go on our journey together as a church community.
Lord, thank you for the vision that you have set before us of a church that is fully and powerfully alive with your love, and of a world that is transformed by that love. Thank you for our church community. Help me to to be part of the ‘us’ that gets to paint that vision and to live it out together. Amen.