21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
We are calling the church to 21 days of prayer and fasting from 20th January to 9th February. Fasting is one significant way of showing dedication and devotion to God. It is a process of sharpening our own hearts and spirits as we clear away distractions and deal with our desires for earthly comforts. It takes away the things we lean on for our ease and satisfaction and causes us to put our roots down deeper into God. Our bodies can demand so much from us and at times it is good to say no to the voices both around us and within us, in order to listen to the Spirit of God. It takes us to new spiritual heights and perspectives (like the eagle’s), bringing clarity to our vision and to our hearing of God’s voice.
As well as fasting in whatever way you decide before God, we want to give you all the opportunity to come together to pray daily at the Jubilee Centre from 7.30-8.00pm, for as many of the 21 days that you can make. With that in mind, we are asking that any weekday evening groups that meet during the 21 days to start after 8pm so people have the chance to come to the Jubilee Centre to pray (you may be able to have your meeting at JC).
We are choosing not to use the language of ‘I can’t’, ‘I must’ or ‘I ought’. Instead, we will choose to decide in our own hearts what to put aside. It is our personal decision before God. We are recognising, though, that re-dedication to God is not comfortable; it requires sacrifice. It is not an easy choice. It is not going to be pain free. It isn’t something that is going to be convenient and fit around our diaries. It is going to take surrender, humility and courage. Be prepared to rearrange your schedules.
These are some of the things that people may wish to fast from:
- All food – we advise people still drink water
- Daniel fast – i.e. fruit, vegetables and water
- Alcohol
- TV
- Car travel
- Social media
- Sex
- Anything else that you feel God leads you in.
We are suggesting that people who are pregnant or have diabetes do not a full food fast for extended periods. We ask that people with other illnesses seek medical advice before doing a full food fast. Those who wish to do a full food fast will get an advice sheet and support in doing so (also see the church blog for more detailed advice).
We would like to make people aware that during these 21 days there will be some times when it gets tough. These are the days when you will learn things about the depths of your own heart. It will be uncomfortable. If you find that you need support during these days, please ask someone from the Oversight Team, or an established member of the church, to pray with you, and help you.
We would fully encourage everyone to be part of a Family Hub at this time. It is important that we find support and strength together.
Please see the Advice on Fasting, on this blog, especially if you are planning to do a full food fast.