During our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, we are asking God to take us higher, shift our perspective and to refresh and enlarge our vision. To help us with this, on each day of the 21 days, we are taking some short extracts from our Vision booklet, to hep remind us of what God has called us to pursue, and to ask him to help us keep focused on and to realise the vision and the dream he has given to us.


It is the purpose of every church, of the Church, to be the body of Christ. Jesus Christ was and is God in the flesh. He is God in a real, flesh and blood human body, showing us what God is like – right here in the real world. When we look at Jesus we see what God is like. And the Bible tells us that God is love. So Jesus is the embodiment of love, making God’s love real. Jesus is what the love of God looks like. And when he came in human flesh, Jesus didn’t float through the air, or enter a fairy tale world. He entered this real, messed up, broken world as a real man, and showed us what God was really like right here in the middle of all the mess.


Lord, thank you for coming into our broken world to show us what God is like right in the middle of all the mess. Help us to see you more clearly, to grow in our love for you, and to become more like you. Amen