This Bible tells us that resurrection life and power is at work within us. So the river of life cannot be contained within a building or a meeting, but flows in us and through us into our everyday worlds; and wherever the river flows there is life. When you are in your office, there is life; at the school gates, there is life; on the shopfloor, there is life; in the classroom, there is life. Wherever the river flows there is life. When you pray with the sick person or comfort the distressed person, there is life. When you bring that word of knowledge or that simple word of encouragement that makes all the difference, there is life. When you impart peace in those real world storms and struggles of the workplace, there is life. We see a church alive in the real world, not just in buildings and meetings. And this life is a powerful, supernatural life, so let’s increasingly expect to see us moving in miracles and in the gifts of the Spirit in our everyday worlds.
Jesus, thank you for the life that is working powerfully within us. Thank you that this life is within us wherever we go. Help us to see the opportunities we have all around us to impart this life in so many different ways, and to have the courage to follow all the promptings of the Spirit as we go about our daily lives. Amen.