The life of God is expressed and overflows from us not just in the obviously spiritual experiences or daily disciplines but in the full expression of life – in our creativity, in the diversity of our different cultures, backgrounds and personalities, in our hobbies and skills, our daring and inventiveness, our entrepreneurship, our family life and friendships, our enjoyment of good food or a good book, in experiencing new places and new people, in our laughter and our playfulness – and playfulness is something God has repeatedly spoken to us about and encouraged us in. All of this is about life in all its fullness. There is no divide between the sacred and the secular. Someone once said that ‘the glory of God is a human being fully alive’. We see a church full of people fully alive. This church was originally called New Life Church – it set out to be an expression of the life of God. When we live fully alive, in every sense, people see God in us. And that is because this life flows from the fact that we are loved by God.
Father, thank you for giving us life. Thank you for the joy of life. Thank you that you are thrilled to see us enjoying all the gifts of this good world that you have created, and not only when we pray or go to church meetings! Help us, even in the dark times, to see and celebrate all the good things that you have given us in life. Help us to be fully alive! Amen