
Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. (John 17:3 NIV)

The first core value we want to sow into our hearts and lives is: Living with God. Growing an intimate relationship with God forms the root system of our whole life. For each of our core values, we have three descriptors to help explain what we mean by each. This is the first one for Living with God:

We prioritise God’s presence, living from the Father’s love, growing in greater intimacy with Jesus and learning to be led by the Holy Spirit in everyday life, in our gatherings and in all that we do together.

Note that it means developing a relationship with each person of the Trinity. It starts by knowing that we are totally and unconditionally loved and accepted by our heavenly Father and then learning what it means to live in his embrace. We also find an echo in our own hearts with Paul’s longing to know Jesus and to become like him through living our lives with him, even though it includes sharing in his sufferings (Phil.3:10-11). And it means living with and being led everyday by the Holy Spirt who is closer to us than our very breath. As we each intentionally and purposefully make intimacy with God our first priority, how much easier it will be to be led by him as we gather together in his presence and as we seek to know his guidance and direction as a church family. Being present and attentive to God helps us to be present to one another. Whatever we want to cultivate in our personal lives and in our life together, it all springs from this root of intimacy.

All fruitfulness in our lives flows from this place of intimacy with the Lord. (Bill Johnson)


Father, thank you that you have lavished your love on us so that we have become your children. Thank you Jesus that, through the cross, you have loved us into life. Thank you Holy Spirit that you are so near to us and that you make all of this so real to us. Help us to not take any of this for granted and help us to grow in our relationship with you today. Amen.