Church Life
We are a community of people who have been captivated by Jesus. This affects our everyday lives and everything that we do, not just our meetings. Here are some of the groups that operate throughout the year at various times.Alpha | CAP | Connect | EHS Course | Everyday Stories| Streetwork | Xcel

Alpha is an 10-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.
Click below to register your interest for the next course.

CAP Debt Centre
The Debt Centre provides free debt counselling – offering hope and a practical solution to anyone in our town and surrounding area who is struggling with unmanageable debt. Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a national charity that we work in partnership with to offer a combination of face-to-face home visits, budgeting advice, debt management, creditor negotiations, insolvency services and befriending. We deliver a holistic and in-depth debt counselling service to those in need. The church established the centre alongside 4 other local churches and CAP has trained members of these churches to equip them to deliver the service that also involves church volunteers helping the Centre Manager in a variety of ways.
Contact CAP on 0800 328 0006 for further details

Connect is run in a similar way to family hubs. Sometimes we follow the same programme and sometimes we have a visiting speaker. There is singing, and time available for comments, questions and discussion. We also have the occasional trip out or social event. Everyone is very welcome at Connect and there is a chance to chat over coffee, tea and biscuits.
Connect meet on a Wednesday: 2:15pm-4pm
Contact Jubilee Centre on 01484 551551 for further details.

The EHS Course
This course is based of Peter Scazzero’s book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. Our spiritual health is directly linked and tied to our emotional health. This is a path of learning that gives us new tools to grow and mature in both. It is a lifelong development.
It is not about emotional healing or digging up the past but about learning to love and live well.
The Emotionally Healthy Spirituality course is a great way to:
Connect with God
Getting closer to him in stillness during weekly sessions of contemplation and experiencing his heart for you in an intimate way.
Connect with Others
Learning to trust others by becoming vulnerable, finding a totally new level of friendship, feeling you belong, are understood and accepted for who you are.
Connect with yourself
Understanding your reactions, your strengths and being authentic.

Our Everyday World Stories
We will be continuing to give people opportunity each month on a Sunday morning to share something about how they get to express the life and love of God in their everyday world.

Working in support of local community workers and the police, teams are sent out from a town centre base into various areas of the town (shopping centres, train & bus stations, taxi ranks, night clubs, university campus etc). There is the offer of hot drinks and prayer as well as practical help on a “see a need and meet it” basis.