Midweek Gatherings

There are three main midweek gatherings
for the whole church.


These operate on a 4 week rotation.


Family Hubs

Family Hubs are our midweek small groups and meet in people’s homes or online via Zoom.

We believe that Following Jesus Together means that we work things out in community and our Family Hubs are one of the best ways to do this.
We will often spend time catching up, look and discuss the teaching from Sunday mornings and spend time praying for each other.

We have groups all over the town made up of people of different ages and backgrounds.

Hubs run every other week alternating with The Well and Space for…

If you would like to know more you can contact the office.

The Well

The Well is an opportunity to gather together in a smaller setting than a Sunday morning. We spend time worshipping, praying and hearing from God prophetically. These gatherings are in person ONLY and are at Jubilee Centre between 8pm and 9pm.

Space For…

Once every four weeks we leave SPACE. It may be for an all church event like a teaching session or family meeting.
Or it might be to create a SPACE FOR us to do something in our communities such as show hospitality.

Other regular groups

Throughout the week and month we have other groups and activities taking place.

To find out more click below or subscribe to our weekly news email.