In this study, we continue to explore how God whispers to us – this time in dreams and our unconscious.


Chapter 6 – Hearing God’s Whisper in Dreams and the Unconscious: in the West we have become used to a rationalistic mindset, but we need to become more open to God speaking to us in mysterious, non-rationalistic ways. Expecting divine guidance through dreams was certainly part of the biblical mindset and still is in many cultures today. Most of the Bible’s major characters were spoken to through dreams or visions. The birth of Jesus and the emergence of the early church are filled with accounts of dreams and visions. (The Bible is also full of visits by angels, and we should remain open to them too. They still happen!) Greig shares several stories of God speaking to people in dreams today. How can it happen more for us? We certainly can’t force it, but we can ask God to speak to us in this way – especially if needing guidance or facing a personal crisis. We should also honour the dreams we do have – keep a notepad by your bed, for example. Be discerning but don’t quickly dismiss what might seem silly at first. We also need to learn to interpret dreams. This is not about a code or formula to unlock. It is more like a series of symbols and images relevant to each individual and context – it requires discernment and drawing upon people you trust to help you. Dreams are insights into what is going on inside our own souls (Daniel 2:28,30) but we must distinguish between what is the natural working of the unconscious mind, and what is supernatural. God also whispers to us through our conscience, our internal moral compass. The conscience is given by God but shaped by us and our environment. It can be corrupted but also restored through confession, the practice of examen, and participation in a Christian community. God speaks through our conscience, but it is not infallible and must be continually nurtured. The most important thing for hearing God speak in our unconscious is to learn to host him continually in the inner place of our own soul.

Some Key Quotes

I’m not suggesting that we should kiss our brains goodbye and ignore the empirical evidence of science, but rather that we should, as people of faith, also be open to other, less materialistic, more mysterious ways of processing reality. (p. 170).

The primary mark of the outpouring of the Spirit on all flesh in these last days, according to Joel, cited by Peter, is not speaking in tongues, shaking or falling to the ground. It is an increase in dreams and visions. (p. 172).

During the hours of deep sleep, when your normal filters are removed and your usual busyness stops, God often speaks in quite remarkable ways,  (p. 179).

..the great heroes of our faith are, without exception, those who attended first and foremost to the inner world of their own souls… These people undoubtedly did extraordinary things … but their priority was always to nurture and adorn that secret place within themselves in which they walked and talked with God. (p. 187).

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. Have you ever felt God has spoken to you through a dream? What difference did it make? What did you learn from the experience?
  2. Why do you think some people are a little skeptical about God speaking through dreams and visions today?
  3. What can you do to position yourself to hear God in dreams and visions? Is there anything that God is speaking to you about in your conscience that might be an important first step in this positioning?

There is a PDF version of this study available here.